Are you searching for Peacock sketches or peacock pencil drawings? These are some of the best peacock pencil drawings and images, including realistic ones, easy ones, and ones with color. Peacocks are amazing and beautiful creatures and make for some of the best drawings!
You can find more peacock drawings at 50+ Best Peacock Drawings – Realistic, Easy, Simple & Colorful or Peacock Feather Drawings. If you are looking for how to draw a peacock, you can find the easy tutorial here.
Peacock Sketches Gallery

Peacock Sketches & Pencil Drawings

This peacock pencil drawing is very detailed and amazing. The peacock has his feathers on display.

This is a very fine and vintage peacock drawing in pencil featuring two peacocks as the center focus. Or maybe one is a peafowl?

This peacock drawing features the peacock as the center action in the middle of numerous other birds. The peacock is the highlight with his tail feathers open and on display!

An old peacock drawing. The peacock is not the center of attention but is the background decoration with the tail feathers sweeping down.

A very beautiful peacock drawing.

Here’s a simple peacock pencil drawing from the side.

Here is a very basic and easy peacock sketch drawing.

Pencil sketch of a peacock perched on a branch.

Here is a peacock sketch in pencil with very wild feathers.

Here is a very beautiful and very detailed peacock pencil drawing with color, possibly with color pencils.

An almost cartoonish peacock sketch.
Hopefully, you are able to find a peacock sketch or pencil drawing that you enjoyed here! If you are looking for more, please check out the larger peacock drawing post.