In this post we will learn how to draw a peacock with open feathers, step-by-step. We will start with easy peacocks to draw, and further down will become more advanced. The last peacocks will be realistic peacocks and for advanced drawers.
Peacocks are beautiful creatures and you can find great Peacock drawings and sketches here.
You can also find other tutorials on how to draw a peacock here.
For now, we will be drawing a peacock with open feathers.
How to Draw a Peacock with Open Feathers Easy
Here is a very easy peacock drawing tutorial, one of the most basic for beginner drawers. Here’s the image of what you will be drawing, followed by the tutorial below.

This next tutorial will be the easiest peacock to draw. It is very basic and may be most suitable for kids. It is also colored in with crayons.
This next tutorial is also an easy peacock to draw with open feathers, but is more advanced than the previous peacock drawing.
Peacock with Open Feathers Sketch
This tutorial is on how to draw an easier peacock with open feathers. It is done in pencil as a sketch drawing.

Draw a Peacock with Open Feathers in Color
This next one is an easier peacock to draw and also features colors.

Here’s an easy and simple peacock drawing with color, colored in with markers. This one is simple enough to maybe be used for kids as well.

Here’s how to draw a cute peacock with open feathers which features a little bit of color.

Draw a Beautiful Peacock with Feathers Open
Here is a beautiful and colorful peacock to learn to draw.
How to Draw a Realistic Peacock with Feathers Open
These last two are very realistic peacocks to draw and will be the most advanced.
This last is an incredibly realistic peacock done with colored pencils.
How to Draw a Peacock with Open Feathers Resources
Peacock very easy drawing – with feathers open
How to draw a peacock with open feathers – easy and no color
How to draw a peacock step by step in easy pencil sketch
Drawing a peacock easy with feathers open and in color
Draw a beautiful peacock with colors
Incredibly realistic peacock drawing with colored pencils